"As long as I can remember, For all my spirits days, All of my journeys have been roads home to You."



I am home.

So... yeah my bag was 50 pounds on the nose flying out to Vegas. I also knew that I had no idea upon arrival on the West Coast how I was going to repack the bag and not get charged a ridiculous amount in fees.

I did what I've done several times. I got a flat rate box or two (in this case: 2) and sent back as much as I could fit in them, the heaviest items. They were weighed at about 12 pounds each. I was delighted. No overages at the airport for me! Wahoo. (this is also cheaper then buying another piece of luggage and checking 2 bags).

I flew into Cincinnati, and I went to dinner with Robin and Mandy. I even thought somewhere in there that my keys would need to be found. But it wasn't until 9:45pm pulling into the garage that I realized that my keys were packed in a flat rate box. But not just a box that could be retrieved and opened, and have the keys overnighted to me in Ohio. The box I insured and certified because it also housed my Canon Camera. I had to be home to sign for it.

And so... the hope I had my valet key in the arm rest led us to call AAA, and after fiddling with my car, and alarm blaring and ransacking every part of car no key. Alarm ceases.

I am left to rent a car to return to VA for about the same money as getting a new key made, but I at least guarantee that I can still go to dinner tonight, attend the China Presentation at my church tomorrow, and have my job interview on Monday. All things were necessary.

Driving home last night was hard. It was long and I was tired. I also added Indy into the swing of things, and added 4 hours onto my day. But I wanted to see Kristyn, she was a priority. I arrived shortly after 11am with Gracie and toured her new apartment, and hung out. It was the perfect way to spend my afternoon. However 4pm quickly arrived and I had a 9 hour drive ahead of me (which I shaved into 8).

Thankful to be home. Lots of things to take care of this weekend, and next week will be busy. Not to mention driving back to Ohio to get my car. I went to the postoffice today to sign for my box and kept thinking "if I open this, and there are no keys inside I will freak out". I came home, and alas right where I knew they would be... my keys.

More thoughts coming. But hope this story made you laugh a hearty laugh. I did. I never cried. I whined a bit, but the tears never came... because seriously: its funny.


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