"As long as I can remember, For all my spirits days, All of my journeys have been roads home to You."


Care and Share

What's up?

It is Wednesday, I am half way through the week and I am delighted. I am fresh back from the OH/KY weekend excursion, and I am glad to be back in my own bed and house. I was describing to a friend why those relationships in KY/OH are important to me, and its hard to relate to somehow how those that I have never lived in the same town with could be so close. We work really hard at being in touch, at being real, writing letters, phone calls every week, and visiting. They are part of my support system, they are part of my family, and I love that despite distance I am blessed by their friendship.

Tonight I have small group, and I'm in charge of snacks and a share and care item. I have selected Dunkin Donut Munchkins as my snack, which is joyful b/c I love them- but also kind of sad because I wasn't able to make something from my own kitchen. DD is just as good I say, so I'm not feeling bad about not hand crafting a delectable treat. My share care? How do you pick one thing to show who you are, and what you are about? I have gone back and forth on what I would like to bring, and finally decided on a photo. I thought at first I would chose just one. Well, how do you select one out of 12,000? (literally). I printed off four.

1) Gracie. My favorite picture of my buttercup puppy.
2) The Mountain, that Matty has titled "Hey Jesus". It was also the first photo I sold... and so there is great significance there.
3) The Bench. I am going to be on my beloved pier on Sunday, and I will be sitting here for a moment. It was the place I was able to write, think, and pray and stare off into the wide open Pacific in August last year, and it was the place I wanted most to be in April before starting the new job. Right now? I want that bench. But the greatest movement is that on Sunday, I will be with two of my best friends- and that bench will no longer live in my memory and be isolated in my heart. I will share it. We will sit... for five minutes... and then we will leave.
4) The Flower. It was the first photo that I took, that I paused for a second and thought "you have a gift... why aren't you doing this with your life?"In the current state of thought, and anxiety I think of that flower photo, and in it I find possibility, and the stirring that comes with passion of heart.

That's the latest. This week has been busy, full of bible studies, house dinners, small groups, meetings, and commitments. I do it to myself, but there is comfort knowing that this week, there was not one thing that I could say no to. Things continue to move along, and I have a thousand questions. I'm learning some important things, and I'm finding my prayers for increased depth of sight to be answered in continuing to see how broken I am, and how my need for a Savior is so much bigger then I often let myself feel.

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