"As long as I can remember, For all my spirits days, All of my journeys have been roads home to You."


1,682 miles

Between Tuesday of last week and concluding yesterday afternoon, I had traveled 1,682 miles. Thankfully I did not have it all go on my car, just half. I saw a lot of 64E/W... and stopped half a dozen times along the way because I consumed too much soda or iced coffee.

I went to Hamburg, PA to meet up with my mom to reunite her with her dog Boomer. I then went to Williamsburg, VA where I stayed for a couple of days to celebrate Thanksgiving with Bill, Meghan, and my Dad. That night I pulled into their driveway and was just so tired. I spent 12 hours in the car that day, most of which just thinking. I talked to Boomer like he was a person, and I listened to my iPod on shuffle. I didn't talk on the phone until that night when a friend was also in their car driving home for the Holiday. I almost wish that I had talked to someone like that earlier, so I could spend the other hours of quiet in the car just thinking about some of the topics we covered.

Arriving with my Wii in tow, the family was able to relax with each other and play some hysterical Olympic and tennis games. I laughed from such a deep true place that my head started to hurt and tears were sliding down my cheeks...it was so funny. My brother purchased his Wii today. How funny is that?

I made it home to Lexington (VA), and then got in Matt's car for our trip to Mandy's in OH. I was so tired of being in the car, I think I almost started pulling my hair out. However, the wonderful Apple store restored my hope in customer service and I got my mac book fixed by Max... the Cincinnati love of my life. I also deeply love Mandy Stegman... I love many things about her- but my favorite thing is that being with her is natural, regardless of the amount of time between visits or frequency of our phone chats. Its like we were never apart.

On Saturday night I got to experience my "Virginia Family" in Ohio at the Festival of Lights at the Zoo. It was great to be together in the midst of lights, music, the aroma of cinnamon roasted almonds, and animals. I laughed a lot with them, and I had a fantastic conversation with Theresa... which was done walking arm in arm, slowly behind our three friends.

Sunday morning I woke up in KY after only a few shorts hours of sleep to meet Seth and Julie for Coffee. I love them. I want to live with them. I think I might do that. I spent the afternoon just resting before going to Lex, KY for the night. I feel at ease there, and I laugh there. I got to hang out with my favorite, Laura Purdy and felt spoken to and challenged at church... seriously Jesus has his act together- it could not have been a more perfectly spoken sermon for where I was, and what I needed to hear.

Driving home, Tex and I caught up with Matt in WV and traveled through some windy snow storms. It was slow moving, but we were trying to be safe and not leave Matt stranded in his winter driving anxiety. To stay awake and alert we talked, and we sang along to the radio. Anyone who knows me, knows that I can talk. Anyone who knows Tex and I's friendship, knows that we can talk endlessly. Yesterday in the little Honda Accord two friends talked about all sorts of things. I felt like we had been in the car for days by the time we arrived at the boys house...simply because I was so tired. I was tired of talking. I was tired from driving 1682 miles in a long weekend. I was tired of thinking. I was... tired. I wanted a hug from someone to welcome me home, and I wanted affirmation that thoughts and feelings I had that came up in the marathon conversation were heard in love.

So the road trip was a success. I saw people that I loved- and most of all it wasn't filled with many people and little time...but a few important people and quality time. I know that I have a tremendous amount to be thankful for each and every day. I know that I don't often thank the Lord when I talk to Him... and I know that I can live my life always wanting more and never seeing what I have. In the 1,682 miles I was able to spend hours upon hours thinking in the car staring out into nowhere, and I was able to spend a few hours sharing my heart- and including those I care about in on the inner workings of my heart, and hurts. I am thankful for each mile, even though it was easy to complain about being tired. I am thankful for them because each one brought me closer to someone I loved... I am thankful for them because each one allowed dialog and conversation to happen with no excuses. I am thankful for many things. Most especially, waking up in my own bed this morning with Gracie snuggled along side just wanting to be close in her unconditional love and affection.

"She lives her life on the road,
She'll marry the miles- to see how far they go,
And the past keeps moving too slow..."

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