Spending a girls weekend always provides giggles, relaxation, and great conversation. I will admit that I hesitated greatly in making this trip. On Wednesday night I checked the weather and was at a place where the idea of spending 14 hours in the car going to Florida in light of Fay, I was going to pass. I woke up on Thursday morning and made the decision in friendship to make my way to Kentucky despite the rain the five of us were going to experience in Florida.
Well into West Virginia I got the call from Julie saying that we weren't going to Florida, we were going to stay at the Lake instead. My heart soared. No five hours to Kentucky followed by 9 to Florida. We were going to enjoy the cottage, the lake, the fellowship, and the lack of rain. It was perfect. I was thrilled.
Floating in the pool, or in the lake today our thoughts and conversations went where they usually go with girls... to boys. To trying to figure them out. To describing what we are looking for in a boyfriend or spouse. To questioning Julie, the only married one of us about what life is like now that she is living the very adult life as a wife. It was fun to list off random things that really don't matter in the long run about the success of a relationship... to things of more substance like how we would like our partner in life to facilitate growth and encourage the pursuit of our dreams and aspirations.
When the conversation lulled out, and what was left was just quiet thoughts- I found perfection. Just thinking about nothing, thinking about the weather, thinking about life, thinking about the bigger picture... since Jen's wedding I have had much less to dominate my mind and stress level, and I was asked "Kari, now that this is done, what will you think about next?". As a natural over analytical person I didn't have a specific answer to this inquiry. Not to fear, something else always comes to the surface and today delightfully so, it was nothing of particular stress or strain. Just dreaming... letting my mind settle away from the controlling desire of having each and every next step planned out. To enjoy the ease of floating along the surface of the water, absorbing the sun's rays on my face, and allowing my heart to rest in enjoying the moment, the day, the girls, the conversation, the silence.
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