"As long as I can remember, For all my spirits days, All of my journeys have been roads home to You."


Day One

I pulled into Jessica's driveway last night in Kentucky around 8:30pm. I honestly have no idea how I got here. I stopped once for a slice of pizza, but otherwise took the five hour drive head on- without a single conversation on the phone, completely distracted by my own thoughts. When I passed over into Kentucky, saw the sign and watched the rain let up- I was able to exhale. I would like to say that feeling lasted, but when I got off the exit last night my heart started racing and I wanted to turn around. I woke up this morning, went out to get a diet coke (I know, I know- but it was Sonic: PELLET ICE), and came back home to unpack the car and put things in drawers.

Today otherwise is going to be a fairly normal day. I have a gift to buy, returns to make, lunch to avoid eating, and plans for the night. I don't expect to have it all figured out today, but it would be a complete lie if I didn't admit that its what I want. 

I also have to admit that part of me doesn't want to write the blog while I am away, and part of me wants to hold back and not give freely what I'm thinking about. I already had three things of note to share with a friend of mine that I picked up and put the phone down because I didn't want to miss them more by hearing them laugh... and today is Monday. Seriously Kari, get your act together. 

Oh just another day. 

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