"As long as I can remember, For all my spirits days, All of my journeys have been roads home to You."


Today's Ten

Highlights of today:

1) I got Jessica confirmed and ticketed for Vegas. Heck yeah.

2) I had two great conversations, one with Tex, the other Kerri. It is always refreshing to sit on the phone with someone and talk about life with, and not have to explain a back story. They know you, they know the past, you simply just have to meet them in that place and be vulnerable. Today was a great day for that.

3) I had some returns at Target, so I put on a dress, threw the hair up into a ponytail and off I went for my evening excursion. I held back and did not get an iced coffee. Sleep these days- not possible until after 2am... so we are trying to limit caffeine.
3b) I love that I can feel my ponytail on my back. I don't know when my hair finally got this long, but I have been LOVING it.
3c) Got a straight up random compliment from the checkout person at Target. It was nice, random, and perfectly unexpected. I am glad it didn't turn creepy with him asking for my number. It was so wonderfully refreshing to not want a single thing more from it then someone noticing I looked pretty today.

4) Sent a genuine email that almost surprised me because it was not what I expected to say, think, or feel... but I knew that I meant it and it was true. And I'm glad that they will too.

5) Heard the Tonic song, "Release Me" on XM on the way home. I really like Emerson Hart quite a bit, and the song came out May 2nd (a little googling), and I have since returned home and purchased the album. (You will probably be getting a copy of this album: yes I am talking to you). Also, expect blogs entries about a couple of song in particular. Love me some good song lyrics.

6) I got a card in the mail from my sister Courtney. Highlight of being home again? I am now reachable by mail and have gotten some of the best letters.

7) I smiled today at a stranger. And they completely lit up like Christmas.

8) Gracie came up from behind me while I sat at my desk and sniffed my ear, and quietly placed her head on my shoulder (there is a bed behind my desk chair)... and she just sat with me for a moment. It was tender, and it was absolutely divine.

9) I drove home and saw the above sunset over the mountains. I may have mixed feelings about being in Lexington instead of elsewhere- but in those miraculous gifts in the horizon I know that Jesus loves me, His love is perfect for me and without end. I rest there.

10) I don't have a number ten. But I like well rounded groups and lists.

11) Oh wait. So I left a voicemail today for a friend, and I talk about it being Tuesday, completely not at all sure what day it really is, but fairly certain it was in fact Tuesday. Yeah, so it took me like 4 hours to realize its Monday. To be that free and not know what day of the week could be a sign of lack of schedule/discipline... but to me? This planner/control freak? It shows motions of flight and freedom. I'll take it.

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