Theresa and I met years and years ago. The concept of House Dinner began the summer she Mandy, and Jamie were interns. We were roommates for awhile, and in many ways she made possible my international and domestic travel schedule by taking care of the White Oak Estate, and Gracie. She's been a true and constant friend. I can count on her to pray for my heart, journey, and concerns. Today we met for lunch with her fabulous sister Kait. The lunch lasted over
3 hours. When leaving DT's we went to capture a picture of us, in our beloved date spot. We took countless trying to find the perfect one, which is out of focus but still classically us.
I didn't want a going away party, or any sort of gathering. What I wanted was meals like lunch today. I wanted the time to be intentional and meaningful. This week has been filled with special and meaningful time with people whom I have loved for a very long time. Tomorrow I spend a day in Roanoke in part running errands with a hair cut (which is funny b/c I hadn't noticed until the photographs below how L O N G it really is), and then my last Sangria Saturday.
Thankful for today. And for all the yesterdays I have been able to call T my friend. She's the best. And I love her dearly.
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