"As long as I can remember, For all my spirits days, All of my journeys have been roads home to You."


April 2nd

April 2nd.

The first Saturday I've had off since the beginning on the year.
Quarter one is done at work, and I'm off. (d e e p s i g h).
Today is Ryan's Birthday. I love birthdays. This weekend is action packed with a party celebrating Ryan, Cirque du Soleil in Charlottesville, and the Cherry Blossom Festival for some sunshine and a day taking pictures. It will be sublime.

Right now I'm sitting lazily on the couch. Catching up on television that has me crying. Coming Home... yeah thanks Kristyn for getting me to watch that show. Grey's Anatomy? What can I say. I love Glee, Lady Gaga, Disney, Ballads, and Musicals. So of course I loved it. The scene with Mark on the stairs as he explores his fear and pain associated with Callie's injuries? Tears. Yes. Sometimes you just have to breathe. When your best friend is in the hospital, and you don't know what is going to happen, the only thing you can do is breathe. And sometimes you need someone else to remind you how. Just remembered so many things about when Matt was in the Hospital, and how intense that experience was. I remember how I was quiet, and composed up until I found out he was ok. Then I just lost it. It took me a long time to wrap my mind around it, and I remember feeling so alone. Sometimes I still think about it, and I am instantly brought back to the phone call explaining what was going on. Craziness. So, yes Grey's Anatomy: thanks for the sob fest.

Otherwise its a lazy Saturday. A welcomed change. It's been a really busy and intense three months. This week however, I am struggling with the Dr.'s orders. I can't explain it. My heart is all over the place about it. And it makes my stomach hurt thinking about it. It's been incredibly difficult.

But for now, we sit and enjoy snuggle time with Gracie, and maybe a nap...

Yes. A nap.

Then a Party.
For Ryan.
Because he was born today.
And that is awesome.

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