"As long as I can remember, For all my spirits days, All of my journeys have been roads home to You."



I have been watching Felicity. From the beginning.

Admittedly its strange watching a show that the last age you were- was the age of the character. The last five episodes of the series are probably the best written television ever, I will whole heartily stand by that statement. They were poignant and magical. Anyway- high speed Internet has already facilitated a Glee season one marathon, and so Netflix provided a follow up to a High School staged show, with the college experience.

There are moments when watching my heart hurts. In a good way. I just remember. Good things. Hard things.

Mostly I think about relationships, growing pains, and friendship. I laugh and giggle sometimes. And there are other moments when I think JJ Abrams wrote the episode having crept into my head and heart.

I know its just a show, and I know that the characters aren't real. But there are likenesses, and people... well are just people. Relationships are complicated. Feelings are tough to decipher. It's not any different at 30 then it was when I watched this show at 19.

I think less of people who would have been the fabric of my comparison's then, and instead am drawn to memories of people I have loved in the past 4, and 8 years. I wonder who I will think about in the next 10 or 20 years.

Matt is in Ireland. He is on a trip that I am so excited for him to partake and experience. My other dear friend Julie, just returned from her 2 week adventure with her husband Seth. Europe surrounds me in friendship, and its a warm wonderful thing. Reminds me of my travels and trips. Reminds me of the the farmer and the gypsy, who grew up into the moon and stars... and then eventually changed into what feels like strangers. Reminds me of cups of gelato while watching the sun set in Florence. Reminds me of jumping off the boat in the Mediterranean Sea and swimming to the shore. Reminds me of emails and videos from home. Reminds me of cramming last things into a backpack and walking into the airport for 5 weeks solo.

Reminds me of, so much.

Yesterday Matt wrote an email first to a group of us about his travel experience so far. He followed it up with another one paying homage to a trio of travelers that went to California, Florida, gallivanted around the East Coast... lived and pursued life in places outside our zip code in Lexington. I remember when we were all together for the 5K last January that with Tex having moved to the West, knowing that our days of being a trio were numbered. Last year in August I experienced the first trip to Vegas without either of the boys. Surrounded by sisters I was more than grateful, but there was a layer of sadness for a time in my life finished.

I thought about Matt and what he was referring to in his second email most of the day. It sort of followed me. And as I've watched Felicity today I have thought about domestic and international travels, the people I've gotten to experience both of them with- and how different I am today then I was then.

How marvelously complicated and wonderful that is.
And how much more so then I can even understand myself.

Just been... an interesting couple of days.
Praying for Matty. For what he will see. Touch. Do. Taste. And find.

Got an email from Jules today upon her return. Love that she is part of the real fabric of this life. Making a move and creating new life in a new place- I am astounded and humbled by the friends that have chosen to pursue me, love me, send me mail, write me emails, call me and track me down- and celebrate each part of this transition.

God is good. All the time. In every space, place, zip code, and time zone.

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