September. How are you?
It's a beautiful day. One to round up several afternoons that have been pleasantly warm in the day, and have cooled considerably in the evening. In the past couple of weeks life has returned to normal. Mandy came to visit, Labor Day had a little party at the house, spent some time hanging out with Matty while he is off from work, and got really excited to celebrate a birthday... I love birthdays... and when its your best friend's birthday- does it get much better? So, yesterday I got up really early to bring Dunkin Donuts Coffee and Donuts to Andrew Piper who was at work at 5am on his arrival to his mid twenties. I left camp and caught the sunrise, and like learned while in Greece this summer, it was still magical and peaceful in its silent articulation of hope. The afternoon brought a purge of all things in my closet that I haven't worn all summer, and things that just don't work anymore. It's an exciting thing to get rid of clothes that no longer fit, but friends... I may be glad to see those sizes go... but I really liked my closet. I really should have taken a picture of it. Anyway- after three hours of trying on everything I own, I got myself out the door for the Birthday Dinner for Mr. Piper with friends and then relaxed the rest of the evening with my two favorite non-boyfriend boyfriends.
Today I hoped to wake up and have already received the web templates I purchased for my website, but its Monday and the company I decided to go with is closed the weekend, so I imagine that when they guarantee delivery for 24 hours within purchase, that the fact today is a Monday means that I will receive templates on the later portion of those 24 hour window. I'm kind of excited, kind of terrified... kind of just ready to get that chunk of work done now that I've made some decisions and am trying to move forward.
Speaking of moving forward I have also applied for a job in Cincinnati. Perhaps to the joy and exclamation of Mandy Stegman, I clicked the application button, submitted the Resume, and then sent her the Resume so she could forward it to the manager she spoke to about me. Debating life plans are always frustrating, with a sliver of fun- because even though the unknown looms and I just want to know, there is an err of excitement and thrill too, because you know deep down that absolutely anything can happen. The hardest part about applying for a job that requires a move for me has always been, "Ok, if we get this, are we going?" I tend to want to know an answer to that question before submitting anything because seriously, why apply for something you don't think you'd take if offered. For the first time in a good while I found myself asking that question, without an immediate response after. The answer came later, in the wake of panic for thinking I could get it, back to the insecurity of not being a strong candidate. I am ready for a change, I am ready for the move. Which sort of ties back into my closet. As I pulled dresses off hangers to try them on, and then moved them to the pile of Goodwill Donations, there was something cathartic about the process of getting rid of the old... making room for the new stuff.
I am ready for the new stuff. There is sadness there because the 'old' no longer satisfies in ways that are necessary for growth... I still have a lot of love for the 'old', and to let go of it opens up fear for what happens next- and while I desire it deeply, I am also terrified.
Yesterday I gave Andrew the Happy Birthday To You! book by Dr. Seuss. He wants to start a collection, I like collections and birthdays, it seemed like the appropriate place to begin. I put the book down on the table after I'd read each tongue twisted phrase, and thought to myself that I should buy myself a copy of the book so that next year on his birthday we can iChat so he can still be read the story. It was one of the first times in the span of our friendship that I cognitively planned the future, and it wasn't a facilitation of sharing a zip code... it was about bridging the gap in distance. Today I woke up after feeling so content for the evening shared and birth of a beloved friend... and I was a little sad.
In making room for the future, it is hard to feel like the best things about life will remain. It's such a risk, such a chance, and its extremely difficult to not want things to be the way you think up in your head, just so you'd never have to let go. That is where I've remained this morning.
However, I know that,
Songs will continue to play on the radio that are divinely timed.
The sun... will rise each morning, that is for certain.
I will always love Diet Coke.
The ocean will continue to move to its own rhythm.
Sunflowers will still make me smile and make me hopeful.
People we've loved will always be people we've loved.
I will crave change as much as I avoid it.
Jesus will continue to redeem and restore my heart.
Moments worth savoring, will always pass in slow paced seconds- just so we can absorb them.
Letters, cards, and postcards will always tell the story better then we could articulate on our own in retrospection.
I want the future I know I need, but I want to believe that everything about my present that I love will facilitate it. I want to build my new life with those that I love now. I want to pack Matt and Tex up and move them to where we will next be. I want promises spoken, and I want to not think about how empty those promises have felt. The truth is... that while I do want the future... most days, I do not want it more then I want to still read a Dr. Seuss book in person to my best friend on his birthday.
In light of these things. I applied for a job. I opened up my heart. I am moving forward. It's a step. A beloved friend told me Friday that a step was good. In the face of what it meant, they smiled and encouraged me to take it. Sometimes, I want to creep up into their head and know that somewhere doubt, fear, and confusion live where they always speak hopefully. I want to see, I want to know that I'm not crazy for being scared and that together, we can be brave and uncertain all at the same time.
Forward Thinking.
New Spacious Closet.
"I'm one step closer
With my arms open wide
I'm one step closer
With my arms open wide
I'm one step closer
And I'm willing and to try
When you're standing on the edge
You don't look down
Till you're ready and willing to fly"
When you're standing on the edge
You don't look down
Till you're ready and willing to fly"