"As long as I can remember, For all my spirits days, All of my journeys have been roads home to You."


Labor Day & 3

Today is Labor Day. The last day of summer..
It's also the Kari and Tex self proclaimed anniversary date of the past three years. I know, I know. We weren't dating, but had an anniversary- don't yell at me now, its too late for that.
I did not call.
I did not write.
I didn't do anything by means of communication (this was tremendously difficult).

I did however take Gracie to the River to play. To explore. To escape. To think. To pray.

It worked well for us.

I then spent some time in town, caught up with Theresa and Jen at Lex Co, came home cleaned and organized parts of the house in only half attention. Hung out with the hammock and Harry Potter. Talked to Mandy. Had dinner. Read more. Talked to Mary.

All in all. Today was a good day. My only complaint was that it marked something in time other then Labor. I spent a lot of time praying today. I even talked out loud at periods while cleaning the kitchen saying everything I wanted to say to Tex, but couldn't since I took this stance of silence. I think you should be laughing at that statement, because its funny. I literally just talked. Out loud. Some of it made sense, some of it didn't. Sometimes I heard what I said and I couldn't believe it was the truth, and other times I just wanted to write half of it down for the book.

I think that was cathartic.

Tomorrow is going to be a fun day. Well, at 1:30pm it won't be. So if you could pray for that. I have my first appointment with a new therapist. I had loved my sessions in Roanoke, but now that some new things have been learned about my family, my life, my heart in general I have sought some guidance and am taking a new route. Please pray for that. I am anticipating a more intense relationship as I delve into the root of the anxiety, perfectionism, stress, etc... instead of dealing with those things more topically.

BUT THEN I get to hang out with Rachel Daley, and then her siblings so that Essen and Cathy can go out on a date night. I'm pumped.

I also just got an email about the Orphan Care meeting with my church. Cathy wrote it, and so in response I said only, "will there be cookies?". I laughed out loud. I hope this makes her laugh as well.

Friends. So today was alright. It wasn't my favorite. But since leaving Ohio on Friday, I have not cried. I somehow have been able to pull perspective together and I am working out some of the kinks.

In homage to what today was outside of the celebration of a Labor-less day, let me just say in this private world wide Internet space what was said in my kitchen alone to Gracie (one of the more productive things I said at least). The past three years have been tremendous, and this past year incredibly intense... I hope at some point on the other side of all of this, we will be able to celebrate friendship and perseverance.
'Oh, the place's we've been. Where to next?'

Thanks to Mandy and Mary for the phone chats. I felt loved today. Deeply and truly.
I love you.

Here's to tomorrow.

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